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Accelerating Dreams of Property Ownership since 1992
A close-up of a person standing at the bottom of a set of stairs fastening a dark blue single breasted suit.

Negotiation & Auction Bidding

Congratulations, you’ve found the perfect property! We conduct a thorough due diligence to make certain you are fully informed of any issues. We assess the correct value of the property, negotiate and/or bid at auction a successful outcome for you.

We make sure all the right questions are asked and proper checks are completed, such as:

  • How long the property has been on the market?
  • What the interest has been from potential buyers?
  • What sales agents have been quoting to other buyers?
  • What information have the sales agents been providing to buyers?
  • How does the sales agent quote? Are they under quoters, in line with the market or inconsistent?
  • How much the property is worth?
  • Have there been any prior offers made?
  • How much it will take for the property to sell?
  • What other features, characteristics, legal/zoning/owner corporation matters that may add value or decrease the value of a property?

The more information is gathered, the better informed you are and in turn will benefit by being in the best possible position.

A winning strategy is not a bidding only strategy.

How to prep for an auction

Fill in the form below and one of our friendly team members will get in touch. Or, if you prefer, you can call us directly on(03) 9818 4499